Bouquet ideas for the vintage inspired bride

It’s pretty much universally agreed upon that brides and flowers go together. And so they should, flowers are pretty darn awesome. But they have also been around practically forever which can make them a little boring and unoriginal, too. Typical floral bouquets are great for the bride who wants to do things the way they have always been done. But there are some brides out there who simply don’t. They may want to have a bouquet, but they also want something a bit different.

Here we’ll cater to this niche crowd of brides by supplying a few alternative bouquet ideas that will be sure to impress your family and guests. So if you appreciate vintage aesthetics and would like to glean some handy tips, this one is for you.

One of the best ways to have a bridal bouquet that is slightly different from the norm is to create your bouquet out of something other than real, natural flowers. One of the more obvious ideas is to use artificial or silk flowers to form your bouquet. The advantage of using artificial flowers is that you will end up with a gorgeous bouquet of flowers that will literally last forever. You will also find that the cost of the bouquet will work out quite a bit cheaper than if you were to use real flowers. But once you begin to think about bouquet made without traditional flowers, you will find that the options are endless and there is a lot of room for your creative license to come out and play.

Flowers can be made from a variety of materials. Some of our favourite ideas include making paper flowers from sheet music that holds a special meaning for you and your fiancé, and finishing the flowers off with buttons, pins or diamonds studs. In a similar vein, flowers can also be made from love letters the two of you exchanged, or even email correspondence. For the vintage inspired bride, you may want to also think about creating the flowers out of newspaper, tissue paper, ribbons, gauze, or even a combination of some of those materials. When it comes to creating your own bouquet out of fabrics you love it’s all about having a bit of fun with the idea, so don’t be afraid to experiment until you get it right.

If you’re going for a more sophisticated vintage inspired look, you may also want to consider purchasing or creating your own vintage brooch bouquet. These gorgeous bouquets are widely available and provide you with a lasting piece of art to keep and cherish long after the wedding is over. They also become instant talking points on the day of the wedding and will garner the admiration from family and friends alike.

There are many routes to go down when deciding on a bouquet. The most important things to keep in mind, however, is that bridal bouquets are a very personal decision, therefore the one you choose should be one that you will be excited to hold and pose with on your big day. So whether you choose to craft your own bouquet out of paper or decide to create a mixed media bouquet from a mismatch of fabrics and supplies, let it be a bouquet that is an expression of who you are and what your marriage means to you. Have a blooming awesome day!