Some Great Wedding Do's

DO Be a guest at your own wedding. Be in the moment the day of. Even though you've been anticipating and planning, don't analyze and fixate on if it's going according to plan or on what's coming next. Be present and enjoy the celebration as it comes. That will make the day stick best in your memory and allow you to actually enjoy it and have fun!

DO Hire a GREAT photographer...not good, but great. Even if you keep it simple, what is more worth the expense than beautiful images to share and look back on?

DO Make sure you still look and feel like yourself.

DO Think outside the box!

DO Take a day or two to decompress after the wedding hoopla and before your honeymoon to just enjoy each other and get used to being husband and wife before jetting off (plus you'll give yourself some extra time to pack!). Because let's be honest: With family in town and all kinds of emotions running high, weddings can be tiring.

DO Play an UPBEAT song when you walk back down the aisle. After your first kiss — and the applause and cheers from your loved ones — the energy in the room is so exciting that a slow romantic song might feel out of place.

DO Celebrate both cultures by bringing in elements of each, if you're marrying someone from another background. It makes both families feel welcome, and your guests will love it! Try readings in two languages, special music or dance, or traditional food from both cultures. And if you can't fit it all into one night — have two receptions!